David Buttaro Biennial Memorial Golf Tournament
May 19, 2025
Brookside Country Club
Pottstown, Pa
Schedule of Events
10:00 AM Registrations & Driving Range
11:00AM Lunch on the Patio
12:00PM Shotgun Start
4:30PM Cocktail Hour/Cash Bar
5:30PM Dinner, Awards, Raffle and Silent Auction
$160 Per Golfer
*Includes Cart, greens fees, lunch, dinner and beverages on the course!
Platinum Tournament Sponsor
Includes one(1) foursome, banner with business name/logo, website & program.
Dinner Sponsor
Includes banner with business name/logo, website & program.
Lunch Sponsor
Includes banner with business name/logo, website & program.
Beverage Sponsor
Name/Logo displayed at beverage stations, website & program.
Cigar Sponsor
Name/Logo displayed at Cigar table, website & program.
Snack Sponsor
Name/logo displayed on snack table, website & program.
Hole Sponsor
$100 or 2/$150
Name/Logo displayed on course, website & program.
Name/Logo displayed on all carts, website and program.
Cart Sponsor (4)
Make checks payable to:
David Buttaro Cancer Foundation

Pay by Credit Card via PayPal or Venmo
Contact Us for more information!